SGE is No Longer Coming- It is Here

For the past year, the narrative has been ‘SGE is coming, and marketers need to be ready for it’. This narrative has now shifted. SGE is no longer in the future; it is right here, right now. AI Overviews are now a reality in Google search, delivering AI-generated summaries to search queries.

Impact of SGE on Industries

According to research by BrightEdge, which examined 1 billion queries across nine industries, e-commerce is likely to experience the second highest amount of impacts at 49%.This underscores the profound influence SGE is exerting on online commerce, signaling a significant shift in digital marketing strategies.

Preparing for SGE

Overall, about 90% of search results now have an AI overview element attached to them. If you are not appearing in SGE or AI Overviews, it is highly likely that you are missing out on a large segment of traffic. To thrive in this new search landscape, NetElixir recommends three crucial strategies:

1. Prioritize Structured Data

  • Why it Matters: Structured data helps Google understand your website’s content more accurately. This is especially important as AI Overviews rely heavily on structured data to generate relevant summaries.

  • How to Implement: Use schema markup to provide context to your content. Include structured data for products, reviews, FAQs, and more. Our AI prompt on crafting Google Accepted JSON LD Schema Markup can help with this.

2. Create Helpful Site Content

  • Why it Matters: Quality content is essential as it serves both users and search engines. Google’s AI aims to deliver the most relevant and comprehensive answers to user queries.

  • How to Implement: Focus on E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness). Write in-depth blog posts that address user questions, back up claims with credible sources, and ensure content is well-organized and easy to read. To determine if the content is helpful, ask whether it provides insight, presents information in a way that makes you trust it, ensures that after reading, someone feels they’ve learned enough to achieve their goal, and doesn’t leave readers feeling like they need to search again.

3. Optimize Page Load Time

  • Why it Matters: A fast-loading website enhances user experience and is favored by Google’s search algorithms. Slow sites can lead to higher bounce rates and lower rankings.

  • How to Implement: Perform a comprehensive site audit to identify and fix issues such as broken pages (404 errors) and internal redirection errors (301 inlinks). Compress images, leverage browser caching, and use content delivery networks (CDNs) to improve load times. Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights can provide valuable recommendations.


As businesses navigate these changes, partnering with experienced agencies like NetElixir can provide invaluable support and guidance. With expertise in digital marketing and a deep understanding of the evolving search landscape, NetElixir offers tailored solutions to help businesses capitalize on the opportunities presented by SGE. Follow us for updates on the latest developments in search technology and contact us today to explore how we can help you navigate the complexities of the digital realm and achieve your marketing objectives in the age of SGE.

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